Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yoga Healing

Yoga Health Benefits

Help for Back Pain

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.

-Alice Walker


On the mat we consciously observe the thoughts of the mind without attachment or judgment. As we practice this or meditate, we may find some of those thoughts are negative or demeaning. That's right we may find that we are sabotaging ourselves and others with negative self talk.

I encourage you to add positive affirmations to your practice and daily activities to change the self talk and actions that stem from it. You may say these affirmations out loud or silently to yourself. Here are some ideas:
  • As you inhale: The strength I feel inside me is enough to sustain me during any experience I have today. As you exhale: The compassion from my heart will lead me to help anyone in need.
  • Breathing in I feel calm; breathing out I smile.
  • Inhale I relax and exhale I release.
  • Breathing in I am heart centered; breathing out I share love. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Love the Adventure

Ah finally the change of seasons. As Mother Nature transitions to a time of rebirth and growth, we are also able to shed bad habits, stress, tension, negative energy or anything else unwanted. When we shed this coat of 'ick', we open ourselves to life-giving opportunities.

This spring I challenge you to make a commitment to yourself. Do something for your wellness that elevates your spirit, relaxes your mind or helps your body feel strong and vital. This newsletter is full of ideas. Two big opportunities to engage your mind & body as well as free your spirit: Yoga Under the Oaks a 3 day retreat at Whiterock Conservancy and Illuminate Challenge a 6 week wellness program. Let me know if I can help you brainstorm more ways to love the adventure of life.

As you connect with your mind, body & spirit's needs, I invite you to make the yoga class your own. It is truly your practice. You always have the option to decline a pose if it is not right for your body. I am happy to take the opportunity to share another option with you.

Yoga is never a one-size-fits-all practice; rather, it's a personalized practice adapted to your energy level and physical condition. I do my best to offer several options during class. Please never hesitate to ask for more options or clarification.

Enjoy life's adventure!

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