Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holistic Healing & Yoga

The Language of Healing - Excellent article by Dr. Timothy McCall, M.D. about holistic healing

On Solid Ground - restorative yoga information & ideas

The Book Book of Yoga - interesting display of yoga history


Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late. Today, this hour, this minute is the day, the hour, the minute for each of us to sense the fact that life is good, with all of its trials and troubles, and perhaps more interesting because of them.

- Robert R. Updegraff

Cleanse with a Bath

A bath can be very cleansing. I encourage you to give yourself the opportunity to detoxify with a nice bath this weekend.

You bring your yoga practice (union of mind, body and spirit) into the bath with your breath and ability to be present to your current experience (not being stuck in the past or lost in the future). Let this great bath recipe be my gift to you:
  • In a tub filled with hot water, add 1/4 cup sea salt and 1/4 cup baking soda.
  • You may add 1-3 drops of an essential oil to bring aromatherapy to your experience.
  • Soak for 10 minutes (no more).
  • Allow your breath to be full and balanced.
  • After drying off, rest. Take it easy for a few hours.
  • Drink lots of water or coconut water to re-hydrate.

Give Yourself a Gift

So often we get lost in giving to others that we neglect ourselves - mind, body and spirits. By giving to ourselves, we are able to more fully give to others. If we are depleted, we have nothing to share. Wellness comes from the balance of giving to others and giving to ourselves.

On my calendar I have an appointment with myself titled "Indulge Your Passions". This is my scheduled time to do something not on my to do list but something that brings me joy. What is your passion? When was the last time you experienced this passion?

I invite you to give yourself a gift - maybe you too can set an appointment to indulge your passions.

Taking Care of You

One of my biggest challenges is giving back to myself. I love to help others (hence my profession) and yet hesitate to help myself. I am sure some of you can relate. This email is dedicated to taking the time to give to ourselves.

Perhaps tonight you give yourself some time to explore meditation. I will except registrations for the 7pm free meditation exploration until 4pm tonight Wednesday, December 29.

The early bird registration for Illuminate Challenge is extended until Thursday, January 6. This program offers an opportunity to uncomplicate wellness choices. I believe you are empowered by choice and knowledge. I hope you will join me on this journey toward wellness through Illuminate Challenge.

My group classes held in Indianola are limited to 4 people. This intimate setting will enable you to explore yoga with more guidance and connection to the community. You may register at any time. Let's practice yoga together at an upcoming class.

Yoga embraces balance in so many different ways. Let us work together to find balance in giving to ourselves and others.

Lynn DuBord

PS I am retreating this weekend December 31 - January 3and will not be returning emails, calls or texts during this time. Rest assure that I will return your message as soon as possible.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Balance

Below are some articles and tips I have enjoyed this week. Hope you find them inspiratioinal too!

Yogic Secrets to Holiday Bliss - ideas to unite mind, body & spirit this season

Effects of Mindfulness on Pain & Mental Health - I am happy to teach this technique

Staying Present: A Balanced, Harmonious Holiday Season - great approachable ideas

7 Reasons to Ditch High Heels - some of the reasons my pretty heels are in hidding

You Time

What a crazy time of year! Do you need some "YOU TIME"? A little break from shopping and family... time to relax and reconnect with your spirit, body and mind? I'm happy to share that I have added a class to my December schedule. I will be teaching a Thursday 6:30pm Balance Yoga class at Medora United Methodist Church. All are welcome, including drop ins.

This season light up like a Christmas tree and let your spirit shine. Join me tonight or at another class this month to connect with your inner peace. Remember a mat is always open to you, no matter how much time has lapsed since your last yoga experience. Email me if you have troubles viewing the class schedule; I am happy to send you a copy directly.

I am in the process of collecting yoga mat orders. They are on sale for $30! This is the lowest price I have been able to offer. These mats are the high quality LotusPad Yoga Mats you are used to using in my classes. They are non-pourous, best option for your health and environmentally-friendly. Let me know if you would like to order one for yourself or a loved one. I strongly encourage you to learn why you should avoid PVC (cheap & widely available) yoga mats.

blessings to you & yours

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Celebrate Peace

This time of year invites us to Celebrate Peace. Lately I have been exploring the peace I feel when cooking - especially soups. I find I am drawn more fully into the present moment with aromas and textures. I have come to truly enjoy the experience of cooking and savor the flavors.

In addition, I celebrate peace every time we gather be it for yoga, meditation or in conversation. I have been blessed to have shared yoga with a bride and her guests the morning of her wedding. The gift of experience is one example of how this time of giving can be more peaceful.

Treat yourself or organize a class for co-workers, a family get together, reunion with friends, bridal shower, or other celebration. I am happy to help you share the Gift of Wellness with gift certificates for classes passes or group or private sessions for yourself or another.

Some would say peace begins within. Illuminate Challenge offers an opportunity to uncomplicate wellness choices. Perhaps it is your turn to experience the gift of inner healing. I strive to teach and inspire you to make better choices. I do not tell you what to do or buy. I believe you are empowered by choice and knowledge. I hope you will join me on this journey toward wellness through Illuminate Challenge.

I hope you will join in celebrating peace together at an upcoming class. Let's connect with our mind, body and spirit to find and marinate in peace this holiday season. As always my line is open for questions and conversation.

peace to you & yours

Reconnect with Your Inner Peace

To celebrate peace, we may need to reconnect with our inner peace. Here are a few ideas for you to try:
  • Using a mirror look yourself in the eyes. Share a compliment with yourself - out loud. (Sometimes you need to repeat it... perhaps saying until you mean it.)
  • Laugh.
  • Close your eyes and follow your breath. Lose yourself in your breath. Allow your mind to immerse itself in the sensations of the body breathing.
  • Stand up and move your body. Maybe cirlcing the arms or bending forward. Whatever the movement is do it away from the computer. Take some time to connect with your physical body. 
  • Take 5 deep, long breaths.
  • Smile.

Use Your Words

The language we surround ourselves with has the power to heal, share love, express peace and so much more. Words are energy.

Written words for daily inspiration...
Affirmations to lift your spirit...
  • I go with the dance of life.
  • I am fearless.
  • I enjoy not knowing and being in the moment.
  • It is okay for me to live my truth and for others to live theirs.
This week I invite you to take the Illuminate Mini Challenge and speak, write & read words with intention.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Gratitude for the Body Meditation

Enjoy Thanksgiving Whenever You Want It - Simple ideas on how to celebrate Thanksgiving no matter the day.

Give Thanks - This article shares how cultivating gratitude can boost well-weing, and may help you sleep better.

Allow Another to Help

Union of mind, body & spirit... that is what yoga is. Often times a yoga practice is more than just poses. We learn many things on the mat that apply off. For example, on Sunday afternoon the idea of NOT doing and allowing someone else to help came up in preparation for Savasana. Within the movement or adjustment, the individual needed to stop (anticipating/moving) so that I could help her. If she did anything, I could not provide as much help and therefore give her more space for peace. Perhaps this Thanksgiving you can find an opportunity to stop and allow someone to help you.

You continue to enlighten my practice by sharing your experience and smile. It is with a soft heart that share my gratitude to you for inviting me to be a part of your journey.

I am thinking about offering a New Year's Retreat on January 2. Please drop me an email if you are interested in participating in a this refreshingly reflective and rejuvenating winter experience. I am also accepting reservations for Illuminate Challenge.

If you are unable to join tonight's free meditation practice (more details are below, I encourage you to explore Yoga Nidra on You Tube or the like. You are all invited to a Thanksgiving yoga practice at 7am or any other time this week. You can check out the November class schedule for times. Let me know if you plan to attend. Remember that a mat is always open to you even if you haven't seen it in a few months.

with a soft heart

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Misconceptions About Yoga

The most common reason I hear for not doing yoga is that "I am not flexible!" This would be like fearing to enroll for French lessons because "I don't know any French!"

There are many misconceptions about yoga. A woman came up to me after a recent talk I gave on yoga and said she had taken one yoga class in her life and had never gone back because everything happened so fast. No one explained how to do the poses and everyone was competing with each other.

I explained the other side of yoga. That Yoga was non-competitive and the use of props enabled people of all ages and levels of fitness to do the poses with correct alignment. I told her that holding the pose longer would enhance the opening or benefit. This also enabled her to find the correct alignment without being rushed. That is what changed her mind


Reap the benefits of play with a game, dance or singing a silly song. You can go outside and toss a ball or stay indoors with a board game. With so many ways to play you are bound to find an activity that refreshes your spirit. Who knows you may even break into laughter and relieve some stress too.

This week I invite you to take the Illuminate Mini Challenge and go play.
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

-Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

5 Ways to Make Time for Yoga

Yoga Journal FAQ

Create Your Home Practice

How To Be Happy Regardless of How Much You Accomplish

Beginner's Mind

Fresh eyes, new perspective... or a beginner's mind.

When we approach things with a beginner's mind we open the door to a new experience. One free from expectation or fear. Often times we get stuck in habits no longer thinking about what we are choosing. We can even get lost in anticipation instead of enjoying the moment.

For anyone who wants to savor life more fully, approaching everyday activities with an open mind can reveal their hidden delights. This is not necessarily an easy task... so we practice. The mat welcomes this practice.

Release your ideas of what yoga entails and join me for class this November with a beginner's mind. By the way, I will accept registrations for tonight's Chakra meditation until 6pm.

This newsletter is full of ideas for you to explore. I am accepting registration's for the six week wellness program Illuminate Challenge. Never hesitate to give me a call or email with any questions you may have. The line is always open.

with joy

Friday, October 22, 2010

Meditation & More

My goal is to provide an opportunity for you and others to learn... to illuminate your path for life's journey. I provide several links in every email that I think you may find useful regardless of your location or ability to come to one of my classes regularly. I come to life with a beginner's mind; thirsty for knowledge. I only share the best of the best with you in these notes.

Speaking of the best... meditation can be done by anyone any where and any time. Meditation is the observance of life or being fully present to this moment in all its glory. It is truly that simple. Many of us already have a sort of meditation practice and may not even realize it.

There are many techniques to bring yourself to the present moment. No matter the technique or time you put into your meditation practice you WILL experience awesome benefits. Explore the links below or join me Monday to find inspiration and learn more.

Interesting Links

Your Brain On Meditation - Excellent article that share the benefits of meditation from a scientific perspective.

Meditation for Energy Conservation - Great meditation for the end of the day or when you feel scattered.

The Yoga of Eating: Holding the Edge - applies to more than just eating!

Worth the Time: Meditating When Our Plates Are Full - a little inspiration for you to make the time.

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Bit About Me

Please know that I am always open to questions about me or what I teach/share. Here's a little about me I though you might be interested to know...
  • I practice yoga everyday - on & off the mat. In addition to the classes I teach, I play with yoga n my own time. Sometimes my personal practice is minutes on a break from work or 20 minutes of play with my 4 year-old sister. Most times I make 30 minutes available for yoga before work and bed. 
  • I am committed to wellness. I choose foods & products that have used organic practices. I eat a whole foods diet. I strive for that beautiful work life balance. I retreat myself and use various stress relieving activities like journaling, therapy, meditation, yoga walks, fit walks, etc. 
  • I live what I teach. There is nothing I would suggest to another without trying it myself. With the exception of eating something I am allergic to. 
  • I approach life with a beginner's mind. I share from a place of learning. Attending workshops and reading various media are a few of my favorite pastimes. 
  • I am dedicated to personalization. I love helping individuals find their pose. A pose does not look the same on every person.
  • I teach at least one free class a month. Opportunity to practice yoga and meditation.
  • I have been facilitating retreats for over 10 years. I have created and participated in all different types of retreats. It is one of my favorite events to share.
  • I have been teaching in various disciplines for over 15 years. People learn n different ways. Some learn by feeling, seeing or hearing. Others may learn by reading or with explanations - the why. My goal is to share information in a way that all may learn rather than mimic.

Get Social

Give yourself a break and reach out to a friend. Write a letter (old school snail mail letter), call someone up for no reason, meet for tea, go for a walk together, or sit on the deck and enjoy the sunset. You can even send an old fashion telegram. Chat with the store clerk, reach out to a family member, visit someone in a nursing home, get involved in a community service project... the ideas are endless.

A friend is anyone you enjoy the present moment with. You need not know anything else about them or them about you. There are friends all around you... enjoy each other's company.

Connecting with others begins a healing spiral affect on you & those aroun dyou. This week I invite you to take the Illuminate Mini Challenge and get social.

Gratitude for You

I am filled with joy when I teach yoga and wellness. Thank you all for giving me an opportunity to share this gift. Often times during class, I realize the time to close is near and I wish I had another hour with you.

Illuminate You Yoga Retreat was no exception. The time truly flew by. It was awesome to share the beauty of Lake Ahquabi and peace of yoga with you ladies and gentleman.

Helping others is my passion. Yoga enables individuals to experience an immediate sense of healing or relief. It also invites practitioners to embrace their bodies with compassion.

Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your journey. It warms my heart to learn about your story. Perhaps you know somethings about me but I thought over the next couple newsletters I will share a little bit more. See below.

A mat is always ready for you. You are invited to connect with yourself and others in any of the October classes including a free meditation & intro to yoga workshop.

With a grateful heart

And a Few Interesting Articles For You
Beyond Happy

Just Say Thanks

Beyond Counting Blessings

Fast Friends: How to Really Click With Someone

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On the Road

Yoga on the road and in the car:
  • Observe your breath as you wait for the light to turn green. Perhaps lengthening the breath to find a long, deep breath that moves freely.
  • Stretch the muscles of your face as you drive. Open your mouth and eyes wide then relax. Do this several times. You may also rotate your jaw to release unncessary stress.
  • Use your Ujjayi Breath to boost your energy at the end of the day.
  • Adjust your car seat to encourage good posture.
  • Get back in the "Driver's Seat".
The Language of Healing

25 Instant Energy Boosters

Kinesiology or Muscle Testing

Your Home: Toxic?

Holistic Wellness

Did you know that 70% of all cancers can be prevented with lifestyle and food choices? How you live and what you eat directly affects your quality of life. This is what holistic wellness is all about.

I am happy to share that my healing journey was given new life with a change in food and application of alternative medicine. In my search for wellness I embraced Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Massage Therapy, Yoga, whole foods, Body Point Modification and so much more. The many benefits of yoga enhanced my wellness practices as well as lowered my stress as I worked toward optimal health.

You are empowered to choose your approach to wellness. As a wellness coach, I am happy to help you pull together your Wellness Team and put your solutions into action. The links to the left share a few of the many ways you can explore wellness.

There are a few spots left in the yoga retreat Illuminate You. Mention this email and you will receive the early bird registration price until Saturday, September 4.

This September is National Yoga Month... another great reason to celebrate. Mark your calendars for a free Balance Yoga class at Lake Ahquabi on Sunday, September 12. You also save the Illuminate September Schedule. Let's share the gift of wellness together. I encourage you to forward this email to anyone who might be interested in joining us.

May this and every day be filled with health and growth for you & yours

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What You Really Value

Fresh Ideas

Melt Stress with One Yoga Pose a Day

Kitchen Yoga

Yoga in the Office or Kitchen

Maintain connection to your inner peace with these ideas to bring yoga to work in your kitchen or office:
  • At copy machine or while you are waiting for a pan to heat up... reach your arms up and stretch through your entire side body. With your shoulders relaxed bend to the side perhaps rounding the spine & rolling from one side to the other.
  • To counter a hunched posture, take a couple moments to open your chest by interlacing your fingers behind your back and straightening your elbows. Lift your chest and gaze. Breathe into your heart's center.
  • Use Extended Exhale to relax your system from the rush of making dinner or the daily commute... perhaps as you clean up or as you sit at a red light. Breathe in & out of your nose with your exhale a little longer than your inhale. Aim for your breath to be long and smooth.
  • Breathe Like a Baby (Diaphragmatic Breath) wherever you are while you are doing anything.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Go Ahead Laugh

Nothing is so impenetrable as laughter in a language you don't understand.
-William G. Golding

My almost four year old sister Olivia reminds how much fun it is to live in the present. She inspires me with her honesty and free spirit.

Yoga teaches that we are free from pain and suffering when we live in the moment. Furthermore, we honor our body's needs giving our spirit the opportunity to play. I teach yoga in a way that invites you to play on your mat; to explore the feelings and sensations that arise.

Play & laughter seem to go hand in hand. After a recent Qi Gong appointment I found my laughter fuller and more free. It felt great! To the left, check out the Tube Sock link to enjoy a giggle.

What is Laughter Yoga?

Tube Sock

Thursday, June 10, 2010


When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

-Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras
You could call him the Original Yogi.

Affects of Chemicals

We have been hearing about the affects of chemicals around us for some time. This information can be overwhelming. A question I hear: How do we avoid chemicals when so much is outside our control? As many of you know my approach to wellness is one that advocates Better Choices.

Start by looking at what you put IN your body. Looking at the ingredients in your food, is it chemical? When you recognize ALL of the ingredients as food, you know you are one step closer to feeding your body what it needs to be vital. All those colorful vegetables are nutrient rich and disease fighting ingredients your body craves.

Then look at what you put ON your body. I highly recommend you use the Environmental Working Group's website Skin Deep Cosmetic Database to evaluate the chemicals' affects on your body.

Take it one step or product at a time. I am happy to help you identify simple solutions that fit your lifestyle. In a wellness coaching session, we can identify a step by step plan of action for you to reduce your chemical exposure and find better health.

Addiction to Sugar

What is High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I teach yoga because I enjoy fun we have in class as well as the way we feel after class. I am happy to begin teaching a 7pmBalance yoga class on Wednesday nights. Please note that there is no morning class Wednesday, May 26 that class has been moved to 7pm.

These spring evenings provide an awesome opportunity to open ourselves to balance and peace. Did you know that my intention for class is just that? -That we experience balance and peace within.

We begin our yoga practice by centering ourselves and setting our intention. An intention is a dedication, prayer or positive affirmation. Using intention in our yoga brings us to the present moment. Opening the door for us to tune into the subtly of our mind, body & spiritual needs.

I invite you to explore the power of intention throughout your day. To the left are links to articles about living in the present moment and using intention. Below I have included sample intentions that you may find beneficial.

I invite you to use intention throughout your day. We begin and end our yoga practice with this powerful tool. Intention can be used in small and big ways. Below are some intentions or affirmations that might speak to you:
  • I love fearlessly.
  • I trust myself enough to let the voice within me be stronger than any voices outside.
  • I am beautiful inside and out.
  • I am worthy of receiving love and support.
  • I use my time wisely.
  • I make healthy choices.
  • I am strong.
  • Vulnerability is strength, today I will be vulnerable by accepting love & support from others.
  • I am peaceful.
  • I am is more than enough.
  • I find joy through service. I find love through letting go.
  • I am worthy of receiving all of life's splendid gifts.
  • I am balanced.
  • I am grounded.
  • I enjoy the present moment.

To practice yoga with intention, moves your heart as well as those around you.

The Heart's Intention

Setting the Tone

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Enjoy the Light

Take a moment and remember that feeling you have in savasana or at the end of class. Imagine an entire hour of that sweet bliss. That is what you are likely to experience during Restorative Yoga. A new class to be held 7pm Monday, May 10 & 24 more details are below. Refer to the left panel for the complete class schedule or email me if you would like a (easier to read) printable May class calendar.

If you are looking for more than an hour, this summer gift yourself with a retreat. Yoga Under the Oaks is filled with rejuvenating activities for your mind, body & spirit. I have been looking forward to it since October. Early bird registration price ends Saturday.

Let's go back to that feeling at the end of class. Our breath is smooth & long. Our bodies loose and minds calm. Then we end our yoga practice sharing the salutation namasté. Which means, "The light in me honors the light in you." It is with light and love that I teach, in hopes of manifesting our vision 'To illuminate your path for life's adventure.' I am blessed to be a part of your journey. Let your light shine bright!

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.
                                                       -Hafiz of Persia

Yoga to Ease Inflammation

Yoga Helps Cancer Patients

Light Up the World Meditation

Ray of Light Yoga Sequence

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yoga Healing

Yoga Health Benefits

Help for Back Pain

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.

-Alice Walker


On the mat we consciously observe the thoughts of the mind without attachment or judgment. As we practice this or meditate, we may find some of those thoughts are negative or demeaning. That's right we may find that we are sabotaging ourselves and others with negative self talk.

I encourage you to add positive affirmations to your practice and daily activities to change the self talk and actions that stem from it. You may say these affirmations out loud or silently to yourself. Here are some ideas:
  • As you inhale: The strength I feel inside me is enough to sustain me during any experience I have today. As you exhale: The compassion from my heart will lead me to help anyone in need.
  • Breathing in I feel calm; breathing out I smile.
  • Inhale I relax and exhale I release.
  • Breathing in I am heart centered; breathing out I share love. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Love the Adventure

Ah finally the change of seasons. As Mother Nature transitions to a time of rebirth and growth, we are also able to shed bad habits, stress, tension, negative energy or anything else unwanted. When we shed this coat of 'ick', we open ourselves to life-giving opportunities.

This spring I challenge you to make a commitment to yourself. Do something for your wellness that elevates your spirit, relaxes your mind or helps your body feel strong and vital. This newsletter is full of ideas. Two big opportunities to engage your mind & body as well as free your spirit: Yoga Under the Oaks a 3 day retreat at Whiterock Conservancy and Illuminate Challenge a 6 week wellness program. Let me know if I can help you brainstorm more ways to love the adventure of life.

As you connect with your mind, body & spirit's needs, I invite you to make the yoga class your own. It is truly your practice. You always have the option to decline a pose if it is not right for your body. I am happy to take the opportunity to share another option with you.

Yoga is never a one-size-fits-all practice; rather, it's a personalized practice adapted to your energy level and physical condition. I do my best to offer several options during class. Please never hesitate to ask for more options or clarification.

Enjoy life's adventure!

Articles to Enjoy

Walking for Inspiration

A Day Designed to Take Back Your Time

3 Simple Ways to Unwind

Insant Calm: Thought Stopping

Ideas For Fun

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Opening Your Heart

Winter can lead to tightness in the chest & tension in the shoulders. Free your body & open your heart's center with the following:
  • In Tabletop Pose, standing or seated (in a chair or on the floor) inhale arch your back to Cow and exhale round your spine to Cat
  • Interlace fingers behind your back. Inhale to straighten the elbows, lift the head & chest. 
  • Roll your shoulders up & back. Leaving them back will open the chest and free the heart. Breathe & be mindful of any sensations.
  • Focus your mind on your Even Breath as you focus on the mantra 'Love is within.'
Taking a few minutes throughout the day to reconnect with your mind, body & spirit will provide you an opportunity to relax, refocus & be present.

Open Heart

It is only with the heart that we can see clearly. For what is essential, is hidden from the eyes.
                                                     -The Little Prince

Heart Healthy Living

Learn to Manage Stress & Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease

Calm Heart Meditation

Heart Opening Poses

Open Heart - The Home of Compassion

I love the child's version of Valentine's Day - passing cards and treats to our friends and maybe even our crush. The cards are hand crafted with glitter, markers and cut outs; these notes are truly tokens of love & compassion. One takes time to put together such a gift. All is done simply to share our appreciation and love; you know the elementary style V-Day.

As I reflect on the joy this version of Valentine's Day brings me, I see an invitation to reconnect with our hearts. The home of love, compassion and a beat so strong it keeps us going even when times seem tough. Yoga invites us to connect with and open our hearts, which leads us to extend this heartfelt compassion to others.

Ron & I created Illuminate Yoga + Natural Solutions to share our compassion with others - with YOU. We believe yoga & natural approaches to health is a gift that can provide many opportunities for healing and wellness. It is with great joy that we look to celebrate with you. I encourage you to mark your calendars for the February 28 Yoga Celebration & Open House.

Join me this week to open & soften your heart's center. I value your friendship & look forward to sharing a treat with you this Saturday.

Enjoy Valentine's Day

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tricks for Meditation

In yoga we observe the sensations of the body & thoughts of the mind without attaching to any of them. If we notice we are in that circular thought pattern, then we acknowledge the thought and let it go. Sometimes it's not so easy to 'let go'. Here are some tricks we can use:
  • Blow it out like a lit candle
  • Write it down
  • Use your breath & a mantra: such us breathing in relax the mind; breathing out release the thought/task/idea
  • Hold your palm out and place the nagging thought in your hand. Make a fist and hold the fist & idea tight. Then open your hand releasing control of the idea.
Don't forget that as we observe we neither judge or censor. Relieve some stress & relax by taking some time to observe the items of the mind, body & spirit - letting them pass just as easily as they came in. This is meditation.

Center & Be Present

Did you know that we meditate at class? That time at the beginning & end of practice when we follow our breath & calm our mind... yep that's meditation. Some are surprised to hear this because meditation is often portrayed as an elusive & complicated practice.

Meditation is actually loosely defined as the observance of life. I find meditation helps us to center & be present to our experience on the mat. The links on the left contain information, research, benefits as well as a sample meditation you can do anywhere.

together let's slow down & enjoy the sweetness of life

Yoga is like cake without the frosting: Something's missing. You need meditation. It's the frosting.
                                                     -Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

Meditation May Soothe Stressed Hearts 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Simple Movements to Loosen

Loosen your mind & body with simple movements. Take a little break and do one or more of the following:
  • Reach arms up & down
  • Shoulder circles
  • Look side to side
  • Elbow circles
  • Wrist circles
  • Arm across stretch
  • Self massage - hands, neck, shoulders, feet or anywhere that needs it
Remember to connect your breath to the movement.

Yoga Benefits All

We've all been there... it's early in the morning & you debate whether you should crawl out of bed to go to yoga class. Marsha Doble said it best, "I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing." Many agree that the best time to exercise is in the morning. Exercise increases endorphin production, enhancing cheerfulness, energy, circulation, digestion, immunity, posture, and elimination.

Perhaps later in the day you resist... you are in the middle of a project and wonder if it is really worth interupting for some yoga time. Once you get to your mat, you find your energy has increased and afterward your creativity flows.

If you feel resistant to practice or are challenged to find time for yoga, then remind yourself of some of the benefits.
  • Enhances flexibility and range of motion
  • Increases muscular strength
  • Alleviates or reduces chronic pain
  • Aids recovery from injury or other ailment
  • Prevents injury and illness
  • Improves and balances your personal energy level
In addition to reminding myself of the personal benefits, I remember that I am my best self (more pleasant & patient) when I practice yoga regularly. Your practice benefits not only your health and well-being, but the happiness of all those you come into contact with. The healthier and more balanced we are, the more help and support we can offer to those in need.

Words fail to convey the total value of yoga. It has to be experienced.
-B.K.S. Iyengar

Dr.'s Orders: Finding a Better Positions to Deal with Disease 
Yoga As Medicine

I love sharing the gift of yoga with you! Meet you on the mat : )