Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Open Heart - The Home of Compassion

I love the child's version of Valentine's Day - passing cards and treats to our friends and maybe even our crush. The cards are hand crafted with glitter, markers and cut outs; these notes are truly tokens of love & compassion. One takes time to put together such a gift. All is done simply to share our appreciation and love; you know the elementary style V-Day.

As I reflect on the joy this version of Valentine's Day brings me, I see an invitation to reconnect with our hearts. The home of love, compassion and a beat so strong it keeps us going even when times seem tough. Yoga invites us to connect with and open our hearts, which leads us to extend this heartfelt compassion to others.

Ron & I created Illuminate Yoga + Natural Solutions to share our compassion with others - with YOU. We believe yoga & natural approaches to health is a gift that can provide many opportunities for healing and wellness. It is with great joy that we look to celebrate with you. I encourage you to mark your calendars for the February 28 Yoga Celebration & Open House.

Join me this week to open & soften your heart's center. I value your friendship & look forward to sharing a treat with you this Saturday.

Enjoy Valentine's Day