Is it possible to feel the elation of joy, happiness and love without the feelings of pain and sorrow? Would we be truly living if we moved through life numb and distracted? I don't think so... we'd be going through the motions void of gifts so graciously given to us. So let's feel it all. Let's take the bad and embrace the good. Let's pick each other up with words, smiles and hugs. Let's be open to receive and share.
Today... it's the end of running and hiding. It's the end of thinking we're not good enough or worthy of joy. Today we let go of the fears and move past the distractions. Today we jump on and enjoy the ride.
Join me in celebrating today by shining your light for all to see. A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. As today's winter solstice marks the coming of light, let us welcome this light into our hearts fueling the flame the burns within. As Christina Sell said, "Shine brightly. The world needs you."